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A man bathed in purple light is closing his eyes as he puts on his headphones and listens to his music

New Music Fridays

newsboys – How Many Times

This is a song about God’s faithfulness.  We go through seasons of life that are good, and seasons that are really tough. We have a lot of questions during those seasons, but we may not have many answers. We might ask, “God why is this thing not happening?” or “God, why is this thing not working out?” Every now and then, God will give us hindsight, saying “THIS is why you had to go through that difficult season, it’s because of what is NOW happening in your life. It could never have happened without the difficult season. ” May this song remind you of the countless times God has been faithful and proven his love for you.

Josiah Queen – My Promised Land

After wandering in the wilderness for 40 years, Moses was standing on a mountain looking at the land God promised him and all the people. God told Moses that they were welcome to go into the land and have all the desires of their hearts, but God’s presence wouldn’t go with them. Moses responded by saying, “if Your Presence doesn’t go before us, then don’t send us!”

“We all have dreams and things we want, but at the end of the day, those things mean nothing without the presence of God. 
I got to a place in my own life where I realized my dreams could never love me like God could. And maybe you’re in a similar place. Maybe your life is filled with decisions or unknowns. Let me encourage you to keep going after the Lord. Because He is your Promised Land.”

Jon Reddick – No Fear

“I believe fear has been holding us down for a long time — many of us, for most of our lives. I also believe that our hope is in Jesus. He helps us not to escape and go around this actual thing called fear; He helps us to move through it. So, my prayer is that fear is not over your family; it’s not over your future; it’s not over your life. Why? Because God is over your life.”

Brandon Lake – Hard Fought Hallelujah

This song is about the battles we face, the grit throughout the fight for faith, and the praise that comes after.

Katy Nichole – When I Fall

“When I Fall” was a song I wrote out of complete desperation. I just decided to be honest with myself and with God. I was so tired of trying to just be “OK”. God met me exactly where I was at and I felt so much peace in just bringing all that I am to the feet of Jesus. My hope is that you find your peace through this song.

The Afters – You Never Gave Up On Me

We’ve all had time where we’ve made mistakes. No matter how many times we’ve been in that place, God never gives up on us. Even when we give up on ourselves. God is always ready to welcome us home.

Ben Fuller – Turn

I [wrote this song when I] had just gotten out of a relationship and I had never had my heart broken sober before. I wanted to go back to my old ways of dealing with hard things. I wanted to turn to my old ways of finding comfort. I realized, after everything Jesus has done for me, I couldn’t go back. I had nowhere to turn but Jesus.

Jeremy Camp – Again

“This song really just speaks to those of us who go through it, feeling like I have failed so many times. How could God continue to forgive me over and over again? And He just reminds me that His grace is sufficient, and when I fail and I’m sitting there going Okay, here I am again back in the same place I’ve been so many times.

He repeats and says, ‘But here I am again, forgiving, redeeming your heart again, standing you up on your feet again.’

So, if you’re feeling discouraged, know that God loves you and His grace, and His mercy are there for you.”

Forrest Frank – Never Get Used to This

This line from the song is a great picture of what God has done and our response. “From the prison to the garden, You’re the God who’s breaking chains. When I look back on my whole life, there’s a silver lining of grace. I can’t wait to thank You, Jesus, oh I’ll never get used to this.”

Olivia Lane – Woman at the Well

Olivia went from “atheist to amen.” “Back in 2017, I hit rock bottom. I so related to the Bible story about the woman at the well. Jesus calls out her shame. He calls out where she’s FEELING her shame. Not just her sin. He sees her and offers her a new way. He pulls her from the bottom of the bottom. That’s exactly what Jesus did for me. He met me in the darkest parts of my life. In my shame and he pulled me out of it. Whatever you’ve been through, or are going through, Jesus wants to meet you in it.”

Cochren & Co. – Money Can’t Buy

Do you ever start scrolling through the highlight reels of everybody else’s lives? It’s easy for us to feel we’re missing out, like we need more stuff or experiences. But what if we spent less time looking across the fence in other peoples’ lives and we spent more time looking at what God has given us? We can enjoy all the things God has given us. The good stuff. That’s the stuff that money can’t buy.

Jordan Feliz – Praise God for That

Gratitude changes our perspective. And when we share in that together, it shows the world that Jesus changes EVERYTHING. So, let’s praise God for that!

Blessing Offor – Jordans

We read about the people of Israel in the Bible and many times they found themselves facing things only God could help them overcome. Have YOU ever felt like you were up against something that you needed super-human rescue from? If so, this song is for you!

Anne Wilson (feat. Chris Tomlin) – The Cross

This song is an invitation. It’s for anyone who’s ever felt weary from trying to make their way through life or like they’ve messed up too many times. We can bring ALL of that to the cross. The cross means forgiveness. It means rest. It means a second chance.

Patrick Mayberry – Watch What God Can Do

Are you waiting for a miracle? Thirst for something more? Desperate for some good news? If so, this song is for you! Just watch what God can do with the tiniest seed of faith!

Andrew Ripp – Love’s Got a Way

This song is an invitation to lay down your pride and embrace everything a relationship with Jesus offers; healing for pain, beauty for ashes and freedom from shame.

Sarai Rivera (feat. Tauren Wells) – I Give You My Dreams

In Matthew 19, Jesus challenged a rich man to sell all he had, give his money to the poor, and follow Him. After the man walked away because he could not surrender his wealth, Jesus spoke about the cost of following Him. “And everyone who has given up houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or property, for my sake, will receive a hundred times as much in return and will inherit eternal life.”

In one verse, Jesus holds two truths together. We are called to give up things for Jesus’ sake. Those things will not be trivial—they will be dearly loved things and people! At the same time, what we gain in return far surpasses any sacrifice we make.

What might happen when you give God your dreams and embrace His plan for your life? Let this song be your prayer.

Seph Schlueter – Running Back to You

This song is about the JOY and FREEDOM that comes in believing the gospel. The gospel literally means “good news.” So let’s see it as that! Not just okay news….it’s the BEST news.

Brandon Lake – That’s Who I Praise

This song tells the stories of Old Testament heroes who courageously placed their faith in God despite facing big challenges. Brandon Lake said, “What’s encouraging to me is that while they demonstrated amazing postures of faith, they weren’t perfect. And so, it encourages me to know even in my insecurity and weakness, I might not feel like I have much to offer God, He’s still worthy of my praise.”

for KING & COUNTRY (feat. Michael W. Smith) – Place in This World

You probably know Michael W. Smith’s famous song, “Place In This World”, but you’ve never heard it quite like this. Inspired by the film ‘Unsung Hero’, the legendary artist teamed up with for KING & COUNTRY to deliver an exclusive performance of the song, and you’re sure to fall in love with the track all over again. 

NEEDTOBREATHE – When You Forgive Someone

Forgiveness is one of the most important lessons we can learn. It’s never easy but it sets you free.

Cody Carnes – Take You at Your Word

“I don’t want to put my hope in things that fade away. I want to put my hope in the never failing Word of God. If He says He loves me, then I am. If He says His grace is sufficient, then it is. I’ll take Him at His Word.”

Megan Woods – The Truth

“I’ve always struggled with self-worth. No matter where I turned, I never felt good enough. I always struggled to resist the lies of the enemy. I finally decided not to let those voices rule my life. Instead, I believe the truth of who God says I am. He says ‘You are a child of mine, you are so deeply loved.’ No matter what you’ve been through, please know that you are seen and loved and God wants a relationship with YOU.”

Big Daddy Weave – Let It Begin

Mike Weaver – the lead singer lost his little brother Jay (who was the band’s bass player) back in 2022. “I had been grieving Jay’s passing and would share about his life during our shows. I’d break down in tears every time I talked about him. One night, I paused to give myself a minute to cry and I realized I didn’t need it. Did the story still hurt? Yes. Was I still missing my best friend? Yes. But there was something different. There was a healing that took place. It didn’t happen all the way, but it was a progression. And it filled me with so much hope. God is a healer. Healing is a process. Little bit by little bit. This song is for all of us moving forward in the Lord.

Phil Wickham – The Jesus Way

As followers of Jesus, we follow a standard set by Jesus. He is our model to mimic. He is the standard we hold to which we hold ourselves. However, we often see Jesus as merely our Savior, not our example. It’s easy to look to Jesus for forgiveness for our past sins and security for our eternity while not embracing him as a model for our lifestyle in the present. This song is a picture of what it looks like to believe in Jesus AND seek to live like Jesus.

Brandon Lake – Miracle Child

YOU are a miracle child loved by a miracle God. Jesus rose from the grave! There is nothing too impossible for our God!

Newsboys – Heaven on Earth

This song is a reminder that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life! He brings heaven on earth.

Tasha Layton – Worship Through It

Sometimes we have to walk through things we don’t understand and this song is an encouragement that you can worship God even DURING those hard things. We can worship through it.

TobyMac – Nothin’ Sweeter

“I’ve seen the beauty of this life and I’ve experienced the sorrow of the graveside. Through it all, I’ve landed on this. There is NOTHING sweeter than God’s love.”

Unspoken – What He Says About You

There’s a million voices trying to grab our attention. The Word of God always brings us back to the truth that you are loved. Truly – the only things that matters is what HE says about you.

CeCe Winans – That’s My King

We serve a God Who provides, is a good Father, and is trustworthy. This song is a shoutout to our God – our Savior and King!

Hannah Kerr – Changed

Incredible transformation happens when we allow God to work in our lives. This song is a reminder that regardless of our past mistakes or shortcomings, there is always hope for a brighter future in God’s love.

Caleb & John feat. CAIN – Somebody Like Me

It is level ground at the foot of the cross. If God can change somebody like me, then He can change somebody like you!

Evan Craft – Chances

God takes what was dead and breathes life into it. When we think we’re too far gone, disqualified, or our mistakes are too great, He steps in. So, if you think you are too far gone, you’re not. He is the God of second chances.

Jason Crabb – God Can Use A Broken Man

Haven’t we all made some bad choices? And when we fail, the enemy LOVES to tell us it’s over, we’re done. But that’s not what God says. He tells us His grace is sufficient. We are all loved the SAME. Held by a loving Father. We are imperfect, broken people. Over and over do we read in the Bible stories of how God can use a broken man.

Iveth Luna – Right On Time

Whether you find yourself rushing and striving for the next thing or having anxiety over the next phase in life, may this song remind you of all the times God has been faithful to you in His perfect timing. You can have confidence in God’s timing and plan because of His perfect track record. You might not always be on time, but you can trust that God always is.

Pat Barrett (feat. CAIN) – Beautiful Life

Ecclesiastes 3:11 says, “Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God’s work from beginning to end.” Beauty can be found in the everyday. We just need eyes to see it.

Tauren Wells – Take It All Back

You don’t have to settle for living in fear or worry or a lack of joy. This song is a battle cry for us to take back what the enemy stole.

Apollo LTD – Future’s Calling

If you’re feeling lost or uncertain, this song is for you – to bring you hope and to remind you that God is in control. He’s not only in the past, He’s also in the future.

Tenth Avenue North – Invited

After a 3 year hiatus, Tenth Ave is BACK! Mike Donehey, the lead singer, said “When I read scripture, it leaves me with the impression that God has a heart of invitation. Jesus dined with tax collectors, prostitutes, and the Pharisees, conveying a message that everyone is welcome, regardless of their background or beliefs. My parents have displayed the heart of God to me better than anyone else. They are constantly bringing people into their home and making them meals. They ooze hospitality.” That’s what this song is all about – everyone’s invited.

We Are Messengers – God Be The Glory

This is a song that reminds us that God is turning all of our mourning into laughter, all of our sorrow into joy, and He’s turning our feet toward dancing. Whatever situation you find yourself in today — whether that be in great happiness or great sorrow — remember this, that God is working all things together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purposes, for His glory and our good.

for KING & COUNTRY – Unsung Hero

This song is the title track from FK&C’s brand new movie “Unsung Hero.” The movie is about their family’s journey from Australia to America and the special strength of their mother. It releases in theaters Thursday April 25th! Whether it’s your mother, father, aunt, uncle, a friend…we all have unsung heroes in our life. This song is a celebration of them.

Rachael Lampa – High Hopes

Maybe you’ve found yourself at a place in life you didn’t expect. This song is an encouragement to you that not only is there hope, God offers us a HIGH hope – one that is bigger than anything we can imagine.

Micah Tyler – People Like Us

“Romans 5:8 says this: ‘God shows His love for us that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” No matter where your heart is, God’s full and complete love is for people just like me and just like you because God absolutely loves ‘PEOPLE LIKE US’.

Forrest Frank – Good Day

Welcoming this brand new artist to the Life 97.3 family! When you have God, the sun, and birds chirping consistently throughout life, this is a reminder to take a deep breath and be grateful for our lives. Regardless of circumstances, every day can be a good day.

Stephen Stanley – Whatever It Takes

We all have things in our life we wish we could take back. Though we can’t do anything about the past, what we CAN do is ask God to help us with the future. This song is a reminder that the only safe place we can put our identity is in Jesus. He is infinitely worthy and has the power to change us from the inside out.

Lizzie Morgan – Maybe the Miracle

What happens when God doesn’t answer our prayers like we hoped? Is it possible He can still work a miracle in the midst of devastation or disappointment? Lizzie said, “My earnest prayer is that this song becomes a source of hope for the despairing, faith for the doubting, and light for those who find themselves unable to see a way out.”

Josh Baldwin – Made For More

“Knowing who we are starts with knowing what the Lord did for us. As you listen to this song, I pray that the Lord will begin to reveal who you are in Him. I pray that you will be reminded that the Creator of the universe has called you by name; and He’s brought us from death to life. We’ve been created for so much more than we could even imagine.”

Brandon Heath – He Does

“I was just thinking about all the things that we forget the Lord covers. He fills our needs in more ways than we could ask and pours His love on us. We often just miss it. So this song was my fun, upbeat way of saying, ‘Oh, by the way, God does all that – He does.’”

Ben Fuller – If I Got Jesus

Have you ever felt unsure or afraid of what’s next? This song reminds us that, “if I got Jesus, then I got it all.”

Leanna Crawford – I Know A Place

This song is a reminder that one day there will be no more suffering or pain. Heaven is real! God promises freedom for everyone who believes in Him.

MercyMe – Always Only Jesus

It’s far too easy in our overly distracted society to get sidetracked by the cares and concerns of this life. At the end of the day, though, remembering and honoring the name of Jesus is our most important everyday task.

David Leonard – Keep the Light On

This song serves as a reminder to keep your eyes on Jesus! The chorus: “Like a lighthouse in the storm, Like a star that points me north, I’d be lost without Your lamp unto my feet. Like a voice that calls me home, All my days forever more, Won’t You keep the light on Keep the light on me.”

Elevation Worship (feat. Brandon Lake, Chris Brown & Chandler Moore) – Praise

“You won’t always feel like praising God. There will be seasons when it’s hard to see God at work, and you’ll feel more discouraged than grateful. But praise isn’t just a feeling or response when you think of how good God has been to you. Praise is also a weapon… Praise is how you fight for your perspective. Praise is how you take your imagination back from the enemy. Praise is how you inspire your faith and remember God’s faithfulness.”

Katy Nichole – My God Can

This song is based on Philippians 4:13: ‘I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. “When you don’t feel strong, God is strong. His strength never fails. There is nothing impossible with God. He will go before you and exceed every expectation that you’ve ever had. Even when you can’t do something, God can. Let THAT be your anthem: ‘I’m standing in the confidence that even though I can’t, my God can.’”

Andrew Ripp Roses

“I was sitting on my porch and noticed a rose vine we’ve had at our house for 10 years. I’ve never really paid much attention to it. I started noticing the roses and thought of their beauty; no wonder we use them as a symbol of love. Then I noticed the thorns down the vine. I saw how God used the beauty He created to be the very thing that man would use to take His life. And he made all of this knowing that it would be used against His son. ‘Planted the tree where He would die, put thorns down the vine, and then He wore them.’  This song is about what Jesus did because of His great love for us—the most beautiful love story ever.”

Casting Crowns – All Because of Mercy

Mark Hall, the lead singer said, “the message of this song is really simple. The only reason I belong to the Father, the only reason I can pray, the only reason I can rest and have peace is because of what God has done and the finished work of Jesus. When I’ve been reminded that the reason I belong to God is because of what he did through Jesus, I can come to him in any condition and in any situation. It is all because of Jesus and all because of his mercy.”

Crowder Grave Robber

It doesn’t matter what you’re up against in life. It doesn’t matter how bleak it feels, Jesus can conquer anything. If He can conquer death, if Jesus really rose from the dead— which He did — then He’s got you.

Terrian Honestly, We Just Need Jesus

Terrian said, “This song is me taking a look in the mirror and recognizing that I don’t have the solution. I know the Person, though, who has the solution to the pain, the anxiety, the hurt that plagues our world, and His name is Jesus.”

Rhett Walker Man on the Middle Cross

This song was inspired from a clip of a sermon Rhett heard: “I came across a clip of pastor Alistair Begg’s sermon on social media, and he was speaking about the two men on both sides of Jesus on the cross. The man on the right ends up in heaven. Stunned, the angels in heaven ask, ‘How are you here? You weren’t a follower of Jesus. You didn’t live a life worth gaining heaven.’ And the man said, ‘I don’t know how I’m here or where I am, but the man on the middle cross said I could be here.’”

The AftersGod Is With Us

When we don’t have all the answers, we have Jesus. When we don’t know what the outcome will be, we can hold onto Jesus. We know from scripture that even in those tragedies, even in our hardest times and the darkest nights God is with us. He’s promised to be and He’s faithful. He always will be.

Stephen McWhirter Come Jesus Come

Story behind the song: I can think of two monumental moments in my life – 1) when I gave my life to Jesus and 2) when I started to actually long for His return. As Christians we sometimes have two responses to the idea of Jesus returning. One is that it either sounds scary or freaky, or sometimes we say, “hey I have plans Jesus. Could you wait to return?” (as if our plans are so much better than what He has in store!) Revelation says that one day there will be no more mourning or crying. No more death. Doesn’t that sound good?? So let’s love better here. Live better here. And say, “come Jesus come!”

Maverick City Music (feat. Chandler Moore & Todd Galbreth) – Good News

Natalie Grant – In Christ Alone

This song was originally released by Michael English in 1991. It encouraged so many and Natalie Grant wanted to take it off the shelf and record her own version. She said,  “This is one of those songs that I hope is a hallmark of my life that my hope, success…are all found in Christ alone. I pray this song strikes a familiar place in your heart and reminds you of God’s continued and forever faithfulness.”

TobyMac – Faithfully

In October of 2019, TobyMac’s oldest son Truett died from an overdose. When TobyMac set out to begin writing songs for a new album he thought, “what am I doing? Am I going to write a song like everything’s back to normal?” He said, “you feel like you shouldn’t go back to normal. But when I got [to the studio], I just started writing this song. It’s so deeply personal – about God’s faithfulness at the hardest time in my life.”

Phil Wickham – I Believe

“There are so many people in a state of crisis of their faith. They’re asking, ‘what is real? What do I believe?’ Then, you look outside of the church and outside the faith, obviously looking for hope. In a crazy world that seems like it’s shifting every week, they’re looking for some solid rock to stand on, that’s not shifting underneath their feet. And I believe I’ve found it – with all my heart – in the person of Jesus.” This song is meant to be a joy-bomb for people to get behind. 

Seph Schlueter – Counting My Blessings

It’s so easy to be focused on doing the next thing, accomplishing the next goal. We focus so much on the future and we forget to take stock of the blessings we have now. If we took an inventory of our lives, there would be so many things we can count as blessings that we could go on and on. This song is an encouragement to count your blessings with a grateful heart to God.

Lauren Daigle – These Are the Days

“The song is a call for people that are wondering about these times, fearful of these times, confused about these times that we’re all living in. It’s a reminder that these are the days we’ve been waiting for. This is jubilation that we know God is coming back again. Christ will return one day, and we get to celebrate in the here and now for what is to come.”


This song is meant to capture the heart of a father ‘expectantly waiting’ in much the same way God has shown us He’s that father to us. It’s not always pretty and it’s not always in the timing that we’d prefer, but ‘Fall On Me’ is a glimpse into a father’s relentless and patient love.

Jeremy Rosado – Come And See

Jeremy wrote the song for his sister, who — after nearly two decades of addiction — is currently months into her sobriety journey. “I remember writing this song, so desperate for my sister’s freedom, and maybe doubting that it could happen. This song is for people, like myself, that have walked through dark moments and have found full freedom & wholeness in Him. I want to be clear that even though the perspective of my song is ‘come & see my life,’ it’s really, ‘come and see what God can do with a life surrendered to Him.’”

Apollo LTD – Redemption Song

The message of this song is simple: God is still in the business of redeeming our stories. Regardless of our past, regardless of our failures and our shortcomings, God is faithful to use our story for the Glory of the Kingdom of God. This song was written from a place of gratitude for God’s steadfast faithfulness to His promises and His people.

Zahriya Zachary – Back to Life

This song serves as a reminder that what once was dead is made new and brought back through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. It’s based on Galatians 2:20 – Jesus has changed us from the inside out! He can bring anyone and anything back to life because of the finished work of the cross.

Cochren & Company – Parking Lot

This song is a story about how God’s love reaches us no matter where we are. Maybe it’s a Sunday morning in a church pew, maybe it’s a Bible study with friends. Michael Cochren said, “For me, it was in my car in a parking lot on a Tuesday night. When I was at the lowest point of my life, I prayed desperately for God to show up, and He chose to reach my heart through a song on Christian radio.”

Blessing Offor – Your Love

“This song about finding light in the darkness. “When I’m lost, I’ll call your name to keep me right there in the middle of Your love.”

Patrick Mayberry (feat. Zahriya Zachary) – Lead On Good Shepherd

“While the big moments and victories are incredible and worthy of praise, I’m learning that, for me, following Jesus is also made up of small moments and little invitations to a deeper trust. What if God’s faithfulness isn’t always a victory? What if His faithfulness isn’t always walls crumbling down? Or giants falling? Or even mountains moving? Or things working out the way we want them to? What if God’s faithfulness is the simple promise that He will never leave us or forsake us…no matter what? This Good Shepherd promises to walk alongside us every single step of the way – providing for us, protecting us, telling us to rest, leading us by still waters. God’s track record has proven He’s a good and faithful shepherd, so I’m going to keep following, step by step.”

Rachael Lampa – Somebody To You

“When I walked away from my record deal, my life of music, and touring when I was 21, I thought I totally ruined God’s plan for my life and had lost my purpose. In reality, He was just quieting the applause so I could hear Him tell me that my identity in this life begins and ends with the fact that I am a child of God, and that that’s all the purpose I will ever need. I hope this song is a reminder that no one can tell us who we are, because He has already called us His.

Consumed By Fire – Walk With Jesus

This song was inspired from John 14:6 where Jesus says He’s “the only way, the truth, and the life.” You might find yourself in situations where it’s unpopular to declare that truth. May this song give you an anthem of boldness to believe what the Word of God says!

Joseph O’Brien – Down In My Heart (Joy)

Remember that Sunday School song? “I’ve got joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart! Where? Down in my heart! Where? Down in my heart!” We’re going back to those days with this song from a brand new artist! This is a reminder to find your comfort and peace in God alone and that you have joy, joy, joy, joy down in your heart.

Brooke Ligertwood – Honey in the Rock

“‘Honey in the Rock’ serves as a bold and unabashed ballad for recognizing God’s care in our lives. The song maintains an overt sense of triumph in surrender, connecting the sacrifice of Jesus to the unending provision of God in our lives.

Ligertwood and [Brandon] Lake focus on several Biblical examples of God’s provision, such as giving manna to the Israelites in the desert to feed them, and bringing water out of a stone to quench their thirst.  The sweetest honey in our lives started flowing when Jesus cleansed us of our sins through His death. This song shows that not only does God provide food and basic needs for us, but He also provides healing for our wounds, whether physical or spiritual. His providence keeps providing even when we fall down or walk away. With Jesus, we don’t need to worry. We can trust that God will keep the honey flowing from the least likely places.” (Air1)

Toby Mac & Blessing Offor – The Goodness

Toby says, (after his son passed away) “I wrote on a napkin one day, ‘You’re still the goodness in my life,’ and I started to believe that, and to see how God is good to me. That’s when I wrote ‘The Goodness,” and it felt like a celebration because I began to think about how gracious God is, and how he gives us little glimpses of his goodness, even in the valley. Then I read a quote, and it led to a lot of the lyrics in this song. It said, ‘A saint is not someone who is good, but someone who experiences the goodness of God.’ I have experienced the goodness of God my whole life.”

Ben Rector – Thank You

“This is what I want to say to God and it’s a simple thing [even when I face circumstances that don’t make sense.] I think in a weird way ‘Thank You’ is something that I can still say at the age I am now with the way that I see the world now that I also probably could have said when I was 15 and I think those things are hard to come by sometimes. I was just excited to get to say something that felt like a simple statement of gratitude.”

Tasha Layton – How Far

This song is about how God continues to reach out and pursue us even when we run from Him. It was God’s love for us that propelled Him to give His life on the cross. Arms stretched open wide—that’s how far He will go.

Ben Fuller – Who I Am

“The song came to me because I asked God for a reminder of who He made me to be. ‘Who I Am’ is a declaration I needed to shout from the highest peaks, about how He’s changing my life. I want to share the love of God that I’ve come to know.”

Fill My Cup – Andrew Ripp

This song was originally written and recorded by Andrew Ripp’s good friend, Thad Cockrell. As soon as Ripp heard the first line, “I’ve been walking to a city that I cannot see”, he knew he had to see if there was a possibility to record it himself. The rest is history.  This song is a prayer for us to invite God to fill us each day with his joy!

I Will Carry You – Ellie Holcomb

Say Goodbye – The Afters

“This song is all about leaving behind your old life and saying hello to the new life that you have in God.” “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!”  (2 Corinthians 5:17)

Jireh – Elevation Worship & Maverick City Music

“God is enough for you–today and every day. May you experience His presence, peace, power, and provision in just the way He knows you need it. May you be reminded that if He can even watch over lilies and sparrows, how much more does He love and care for you.”

For God Is With Us – FOR KING + COUNTRY

Joel and Luke Smallbone share in a statement: “This song speaks to all circumstances. No matter hardship or great delight, we can all take great comfort in God being with us.”

See Me Through It – Brandon Heath

“for some of us, it feels like rock bottom. But, we can know what Rock we’re standing on, and He’s not going anywhere. So, stand tall fam. No matter how lost we feel or how difficult things get, He sees us where we are, and He’s going to see us through it.”

Me On Your Mind – Matthew West

“There are powerful words written in Psalm 8 that sum up the heartbeat of ‘Me on Your Mind.’ When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon, and the stars, which You have set in place, what is mankind that You are mindful of them, human beings that You care for them? It’s the amazement that the Creator of the universe, the King of the world, would give one single thought about me that touches my heart on a deep, deep level. God used the process of writing this song to bring me to a deeper understanding of the heart of my Heavenly Father, and I’m praying it will do the same for all who hear it.”

Blanca & Dante Bowe – The Healing

“Grateful doesn’t begin to describe the emotion I feel about this upcoming song,” Blanca said. “Having Dante Bowe on it is a full circle moment for me. His music, along with songs from the Mav City camp were some of the main songs that walked me through this past season of my life. They were a part of my healing. And here I am, getting to share my upcoming single alongside this legend! God is good.”

Hymn Of Heaven – Phil Wickham

“Hymn of Heaven is full of praise and thankfulness, just lifting up the name of Jesus and speaking what we really know the reality is even though we don’t see it,” he says. “All I want to do is facilitate moments where people can encounter the presence of God.”

Brighter Days – Blessing Offor

In sharing his new song, Blessing said “we all experience dark days, but it’s those days that make the brighter ones worth waiting for.”

Heart Of The Father – Ryan Ellis

Here’s what Ryan say’s about his new song. “This song is such a great reference point of what I believe we’re called to do as people of Christ,” Ellis explains. “We’re meant to just meet people where they’re at, not change them. It’s having grace, patience, kindness, mercy, and the ability to see and love people for who they are and help guide them along. If they just need a friend or someone to listen or to give them good advice, to me, being all things to all people is what being a good father is. Romans 2:4 says it’s His kindness that leads us to repentance. That’s ‘Heart of the Father’ – a song about His goodness.”

Joy Comes In The Morning – Baylor Wilson

“I believe this song portrays the seasons of life on earth that Jesus experienced – grief, pain, and sorrow that turned into peace! So no matter what you’re walking through, He knows and He wants to carry you through. You’re never alone in the valleys of life. So don’t give up hope! Even when we don’t feel it, joy will come…peace will come…as sure as the sun rises in the morning” – Baylor Wilson