We’re so glad you’ve taken this step to thrive in 2025 as we learn how to live the Jesus way, together! We have gathered together resources for you that we will release here around that week’s theme. We will have some surprises along the way so check back often and share with us what you are learning!
Read: Matthew 18:21-22; Luke 15:11-31; John 8:1-8
- How is Jesus’ way of forgiveness different from the way we often see it in the world?
- Who in your life has been a good example of offering continual forgiveness? How?
- What would it feel like if you were able to forgive someone you haven’t yet? (Even if that means YOU are the person you need to forgive.)
- What is one step you could take this week to forgive someone without condition?
Pray: God, help me to forgive the Jesus way. Not keeping count, but offering it continuously, even when it is difficult. I want to be eager to forgive. Help me run to You as You are always eager to forgive me. When I’m tempted to throw stones, remind me what You have done for me in Jesus, that I have been forgiven and can now forgive much too. Amen.
Read: Luke 13; Philippians 2:3-5; Daniel 1-4
- Have you ever had someone you didn’t get along with serve you? How did that make you feel?
- Is there someone in your life who you don’t get along with? What could it look like for you to serve them the Jesus way?
- How could you shape your day differently to make more space for opportunities to serve?
- God has placed us all in unique positions. Consider yours. How can you use your position(s) to serve with integrity, wisdom, and faithfulness?
Pray: God, help me to serve the Jesus way. I want to live like Jesus, not hurried, stressed, worried about what others think of me or only focused on my to-do list. Help me to actually SEE the people around me wherever I go and prepare me to be ready for opportunities to make a difference. I need You to help me use my position to serve with wisdom and faithfulness each and every day. I want to be ready to respond when You speak. Amen.
Read: Luke 10:25-37; The Book of Ruth; John 15:12, 3:16
- What is the difference between knowing that “God is loving,” and knowing that “God is love”? Why is the second more meaningful than the first?
- God showed His love for us by sending His Son to be the sacrifice for our sins. What insight does this give us into how God wants us to show love to others?
- How does God’s love for us transform the way we see other people?
- What is one action step I can take this week to demonstrate love to those around me?
Pray: God, help me to serve the Jesus way. I want to live like Jesus, not hurried, stressed, worried about what others think of me or only focused on my to-do list. Help me to actually SEE the people around me wherever I go and prepare me to be ready for opportunities to make a difference. I need You to help me use my position to serve with wisdom and faithfulness each and every day. I want to be ready to respond when You speak. Amen.
Read: Luke 10:38-42; Daniel 3; Psalm 63; Romans 12:1-2
- Which aspect of your faith—service or worship—do you find most challenging to balance, and why?
- How can you prioritize being present with God, even when life’s demands feel overwhelming?
- How can worshiping God transform lives of people around you? Have you seen any of that kind of change in the people you’ve been in contact with?
- What is one way you can connect with God in a new and fresh way in this next week?
Pray: God, help me to worship the Jesus Way. I am putting aside my distractions—however unhealthy or healthy they may be—to draw nearer to You. It’s okay if everything isn’t cleaned or made or put away first. I want to trust in You even when I don’t understand my circumstances. I am trading doubt for trust in Your will and plans for me. I know worship isn’t just a once-a-week activity. I will worship You every day with gratitude, singing, and presence, believing you are always with me and always good. Amen.